Doctor's Office
Dec 20 2002
After six months of waiting for insurance reasons, I saw a doctor today. Technically speaking, I saw a "nurse practitioner," frontline support...
Really, Actually, Empty
Nov 15 2002
The car shuddered just a bit about halfway through first gear, hesitated a single beat of combustion, which I noticed nervously but shrugged...
Oct 24 2002
I saw it seperate from the car, and slowly roll off the side of the road, down an embankment. The impossibility of this event is what makes it...
New Category
Oct 22 2002
Perhaps another part of this trouble I've had producing writing over the last many weeks has something to do with the organization of this darn...
Oct 21 2002
Substance over style. I suddenly think of this as an algebraic expression, and envision myself drawing the consequences of the equation, challenging...
I think
Oct 19 2002
Once or twice a month is less frequent than I had hoped to use this forum. I think some of my silence here may be more about something else than...
Sharp Cars
Oct 12 2002
I've never owned a truck, never owned a vehicle I could use to pull and haul things, never owned something I didn't have to drive gingerly over...
The Blue Guitar
Oct 11 2002
"You do not play things as they are...
they're changed upon the blue guitar."
--Wallace Stevens
Lame Apology
Sep 23 2002
All right, all right. I haven't written you. I haven't written you for a month or probably longer. General neglect of lots of important things...
In The End
Sep 17 2002
"In the end no one will sell you what you need,
You can't buy it off the shelf,
You got to grow it from the seed"
-- Chris Smither, No Love...
Career Consulting
Aug 29 2002
"Did you apply for that secret agent job?" said my sister.
"Which one?" I said.
"That one I sent you from the Internet..."
I paused...
Time Value of Pizza
Aug 25 2002
Two and a half hours of baking, broken down into the timing for each task, would go something like this:
Looking for the yeast: 5 minutes....
Stars and Grace
Aug 18 2002
Stars, and against them, a circle of pine trees, tall, dark figures against the night, standing as if in council around the ampitheatre. I lay...
The Dark Side
Aug 8 2002
"Once you head down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny... and you get dental."
Death's Radio
Aug 2 2002
Michael wrote. The stick began to move. He applied it to the dirt and was pleased with the old, familiar feeling of tapping Death's Radio, the...
Tacos and Yard Sales
Jul 20 2002
I recently had a poem published in The White Shoe Irregular, a publication I help out with from time to time. The poem was written almost accidentally...
Yard Sales
Jul 13 2002
I had nothing for breakfast except orange food. That's what Alisa offered me. Canteloupe, Carrots, and Orange Juice. This was right before we...
Dream Camera Redux
Jul 8 2002
I had a dream once, and was allowed to take pictures,
because my camera had fallen into the water. Film that
would normally have developed...
Jun 21 2002
Language neurons... stiffening... creative juices... drying... must... find... antidote...
Jun 13 2002
I am home. A week ago I rented a car, put most of my things in it, and then my center of consciousnes, and then some gasoline, and after that,...
Evening Redux
May 23 2002
"so I settled for a burger and a grape snow cone..."
It was going to be an unusual evening anyway, it just turned out different.
My plan...
A Courtship (by Ted Kooser)
May 16 2002
There were parts of herself
that were not in the mirror
and those were pretty:
a kindly touch inside the gloves
of her big red hands,
a well...
One Night Homeless
May 11 2002
The train I wanted to catch from San Luis Obispo back
to Ventura left each morning at 6:35 am. I was low on
cash, and somehow, paying $20...
May 10 2002
Up until two weeks ago or so, I have been driving an old, early 1980s Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser station wagon. This is one of those 3-rows-of-seats...
Beach House
May 5 2002
Today, after I've had some sleep, and assuming I am able to navigate public transportation, I will travel to San Luis Obispo county, and spend...
A Challenge To The Official Version of Reality
May 2 2002
[Note: I dislike spam as much as the next person, and since everybody gets so much of it in their mailboxes, it must seem somewhat pointless...
Abridged Letter To A Friend
Apr 9 2002
Thanks for the poem. Did I send you the thing I wrote about crickets? I can't remember. I think I did. Anyway, the poem you sent struck...
When I Didn't Know Who I Was
Apr 5 2002
"I spent a long day sleeping on a big clean hard white bed with dirty remarks carved in the wall beside my pillow and the beat yellow windowshades...
Progressive Observations About the Crickets with Which I Share A Room
Apr 4 2002
Day 1: There seems to be a cricket in the room chirping softly and occasionally. Crickets are rustic and novel. Glad for the company and the...
Mar 17 2002
I had a dream once, and was allowed to take pictures,
because my camera had fallen into the water. Film that
would normally have developed...
Want to Help Stop Telemarketers?
Mar 13 2002
The FTC is taking public comments on a national "Do Not Call" list. A telemarketer who contacted someone on the list would be breaking the law...
Google My Brain
Mar 10 2002
As I was hiking in Arches National Park last weekend, I was thinking Paul Ford's hilarious Google piece, and suddenly realized that this was...
Draft of an Anniversary Poem
Mar 2 2002
Each day the earth deeply, softly rolls
each night that moonlit wings move
over seasons, each round and solar
circle, slow, long, and smooth...
Time Warp (part I)
Feb 27 2002
This morning I walked into the bathroom in the hallway in my parents house. I reached for the wall-mounted roll of toilet paper and the fixture...
A Convenient Answer
Feb 23 2002
Truth or Dare Jenga has black blocks (for truth) and red blocks (for dares). There are also wood-colored blocks (for Jenga). One might argue...
Ice Sculptures
Feb 20 2002
These were taken at Provo's 2002 International Ice Carving Competition, an event produced in conjunction with the 2002 SLC Winter Olympics
No Stars
Feb 15 2002
Valentine's day is over. I can move What is a Flower? off of the favored, featured spot on this site. I did not send it with flowers to anyone,...
What is a flower?
Feb 5 2002
What is a flower?
It is a kiss from the earth to the sky
a child of sugar and sunlight
low brown loam and God's bright dye
love returned...
Half-Formed Thoughts
Feb 2 2002
What is the difference between a half-formed thought and a full-term thought? Some of the things I've posted here in a few short weeks seem OK;...
What is a Free Market?
Feb 2 2002
Question: what is meant by the phrase "free market"?
It's a question I ask myself increasingly as I think about economics. I'm sure there...
Jan 18 2002
I saw Lord of The Rings yesterday. It was a wonderful film that I could nitpick with for hours over non-sequitori, changes from the book that...
This is a Test
Jan 16 2002
I walked home from the local testing center after I took the GMAT today. It's a good activity, walking; it has a long heritage of doing good...
My Mom Likes Sting
Jan 16 2002
Mom sings with the Mormon Tablernacle Choir. She's an excellent soprano, well-versed in choral literature. She is not very familiar with the...